Alessandra LetaAbout
Feed Overview

Alessandra Leta (b.1997) is an Italian photographer and a visual researcher. Through the reworking of archival images, photographic staging, and elements of fiction, her artistic practice intersects digital archaeology and speculative storytelling as tools for rethinking the past into the present. 

She’s currently based in Basel (CH).

Full CV on request.

Open to collaborations and commissions for brands, magazines, and institutions in the whole Europe. 

To inquire about rates and availability, please send a message through this Contact form.

The Unmovable Mover
  • 2022-2024

A small, family-run industrial company that thrived for decades until a terrible arson burned the facility to the ground and forced the business to close. Decades later, a box of photographs saved from the fire was retrieved by the artist in a Swiss antique shop, where it had ended up. But in reality, none of this is true. Although it could be. 
